Static Analysis for Tensor Flow and Machine Learning Programs
Applying static analysis to machine learning code that uses Tensorflow. Paper entitled: Ariadne: Analysis for Machine Learning Programs
Applying static analysis to machine learning code that uses Tensorflow. Paper entitled: Ariadne: Analysis for Machine Learning Programs
Presenting latent diffusion models, to improve efficiency of de-noising diffusion models without degrading their quality.
Developing a new model auditing technique that helps users audit machine learning models to determine if their data was used to train these models.
Measuring and Triggering Toxic Behavior in Open-Domain Chatbots
Design and implementation of three new feature selection algorithms for high-dimensional data and the Implementation of tens Hybrid, Wrapper, and filter Feature Selection Algorithms
An Automatic Clothing Recognition and Product Suggestions for website or clothing shopping is proposed.
Put Glasses or Sunglasses on a Person Face in Python
Design and implementation of an online forecasting software with statistical and machine learning algorithms for stock market data in Python
Online software to extract and check website information in Python